Shopify vs Weebly: Choosing the Right Platform to Build Your Dream Store


You're thinking of opening an online store? Great! But with so many website builders out there, choosing the right one can be confusing. Two popular options are Shopify and Weebly. They both seem similar, so how do you know which is better for you?

This guide will break down Shopify vs Weebly, explaining their pros, cons, and who they're best for. By the end, you'll be ready to pick the perfect platform and launch your online business with confidence!


shopify vs weebly

E-commerce King or All-Purpose Website Builder?

To figure out is weebly or shopify better, first you need to ask yourself: Is your website just for selling, or do you want other things on it too, like a blog or info pages?

Shopify is by far the best e-commerce powerhouse, perfect for creating online stores. It helps you manage products, track inventory, take payments securely, and provide powerful marketing tools market your store. While you can add a simple blog, Shopify's main focus is making online selling easy and successful.

On the other hand, Weebly is more flexible. It can do a bunch of things, including building an online store. But its store features aren't as strong as Shopify's. What Weebly does really well is helping you create websites that are easy to use and look great, even if you don't want to just sell products.

In a nutshell:

  • Choose Shopify if your primary goal is building a thriving online store with extensive sales functionalities.
  • Choose Weebly if you desire a more general website builder with e-commerce capabilities alongside features like blogging or portfolio creation.

In short:

  • Pick Shopify if selling online is your main goal and you want lots of extensive features to help you make sales.
  • Go with Weebly if you want a website builder that can handle some selling, but also allow you to don things like a blog or a portfolio.

>>> Love Shopify but still considering? Check out our series of comparison between Shopify vs other platforms

Feature comparison between Weebly and Shopify

Alright, now we'll dive into the details of Shopify vs Weebly. Here's how they compare:

  • Ease of Use: Weebly is easier to use, especially for beginners. It lets you drag and drop things around to build your website, no coding needed. Shopify takes a little more time to learn, but both have tutorials to help you out.
  • Design: Weebly has more pre-made designs to choose from, so you can get creative with your website's look. Shopify's themes are clean and modern, and they focus more on showing off your products. However, with Shopify you can add apps from app store to customize your store's look further.
  • E-commerce Features: If selling online is your main thing, Shopify is the winner. It has powerful features to help you manage products, track inventory, offer different shipping options, win back abandoned carts, and securely take payments. Weebly lets you add a store, but it's not as strong as Shopify's and might not be a good fit for businesses with a lot of products or complex selling needs.
  • Marketing and SEO: Both platforms have some marketing tools like email marketing and social media integration. But Shopify offers more built-in features and lets you connect to a wider range of marketing apps to help you grow your business.
  • Cost: Weebly has a free plan to get you started, while Shopify doesn't. Weebly's paid plans are generally cheaper than Shopify's, especially for beginners. But as your business grows and you need more features, Shopify's higher price tag might be worth it.


weebly pricing


Picking a Winner: There's no single best platform, it depends on what you need!

So, which one is right for you? Here's a quick rundown:

Pick Weebly if:

  • You're new to this whole website thing and coding sounds scary.
  • Keeping costs low is important and you like things easy to use.
  • You don't have a ton of products to sell and don't need fancy selling features.
  • You want a website that can do more than just sell stuff, like a blog or portfolio.

Pick Shopify if:

  • Selling online is your main goal and you want all the bells and whistles to make it successful.
  • You need features like tracking inventory, winning back abandoned sales, and strong marketing tools.
  • You're okay with spending a little more time learning the system.
  • You're willing to invest in a more powerful platform as your business grows.


  • Both platforms offer free trials, so take advantage of them to get a feel for which interface suits you best.
  • Consider your future business goals. If you value significant growth, Shopify's scalability might be a better long-term investment.

Opening an online store can be confusing, but eComStart can clear things up! Our website is your one-stop shop for everything you need to know about starting and running a successful online business, make sure to pay a visit!


Ultimately, the best platform for you depends on your unique situation, and there's no one-size-fits-all answer. Think about your goals for your website. Do you dream of a bustling online store filled with happy customers, or do you see your website as a more creative space with a little online shop on the side?

Here's how to decide:

  • Just starting out? Weebly might be a great choice. It's user-friendly and affordable, perfect for getting your feet wet with building a website and maybe adding a small store later.
  • Passionate about selling? Shopify is your champion. It has all the fancy features you need to manage a big inventory, convince customers to buy more, and keep them coming back for seconds.
  • On a tight budget? Weebly again might be your winner. They have a free plan to get you started, while Shopify doesn't.
  • Hoping to grow big? Shopify might be a better investment in the long run. Even though it costs more, its powerful features can help you scale your business to new heights.

The most important thing is to take some time to consider your needs and what you hope to achieve with your website. By carefully considering your current situation and future aspirations, you'll be well on your way to choosing the perfect platform to launch your online empire!

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